A great voice-over creates a context, supplies a mood and always says way more than the words being spoken.
Would you like to hear some samples?
"I am so impressed with this guy! Voices are spot-on!"
- Matt Miller School Spirit Franchising
"Absolutely Brilliant"
- Wayne Trimble Texana Media Productions
"Don't even get me started!"
- Shellie Hooper Scott's wife
A Little About Scott

The voice doesn't make the man. But this man has a lot of fun doing them.
Since I was little, like many vo actors I'm sure, I was that kid that could hear a voice on the radio or TV and know what other commercials they were in.
I was that kid that would watch the credits in an animated movie to see if I guessed the voice actors correctly.
The kid who looked forward to the previews of movies often more than the movie itself to hear Don La Fontaine, "In a world...."
The kid that would annoyingly imitate Mel Blanc, Peter Sellers, Robin Williams and Dana Carvey ad nausium then
mimic foreign accents, Muppets characters, and shop teachers. The kid that would imitate the people at church
...Yes. THAT kid.
Now I'm that man that does it for a job. (Thanks for being patient, Mom.)
You can get a voice-over on a budget site and after all the up-charges you will pay more than you expected but (hopefully) get an adequate voice-over.
A great professional voice-over takes your podcast, broadcast or commercial to the next level.
When your listeners take you seriously, you win. When you win, the voice-over has paid for itself.